Redis源码 - 如何管理网络连接





struct redisServer {
    list *clients;              /* List of active clients */
    list *clients_to_close;     /* Clients to close asynchronously */
    list *clients_pending_write; /* There is to write or install handler. */
  • clients 客户端链表,客户端新连接会存储在链表里。
  • clients_to_close 客户端关闭链表
  • clients_pending_write 延迟写数据客户端链表,异步操作,数据并不是读出来进行处理后就马上发送;服务处理完逻辑后会将数据写入 client 的写入缓冲区(buf/reply),并记录下当前客户端,在 beforeSleep 里进行统一发送。(参考 clientInstallWriteHandler 源码)
typedef struct client {
    uint64_t id;            /* Client incremental unique ID. */
    int fd;                 /* Client socket. */
    redisDb *db;            /* Pointer to currently SELECTed DB. */
    int dictid;             /* ID of the currently SELECTed DB. */
    robj *name;             /* As set by CLIENT SETNAME. */
    sds querybuf;           /* Buffer we use to accumulate client queries. */
    size_t querybuf_peak;   /* Recent (100ms or more) peak of querybuf size. */
    int argc;               /* Num of arguments of current command. */
    robj **argv;            /* Arguments of current command. */
    struct redisCommand *cmd, *lastcmd;  /* Last command executed. */
    int reqtype;            /* Request protocol type: PROTO_REQ_* */
    int multibulklen;       /* Number of multi bulk arguments left to read. */
    long bulklen;           /* Length of bulk argument in multi bulk request. */
    list *reply;            /* List of reply objects to send to the client. */
    unsigned long long reply_bytes; /* Tot bytes of objects in reply list. */
    size_t sentlen;         /* Amount of bytes already sent in the current
                               buffer or object being sent. */
    time_t ctime;           /* Client creation time. */
    time_t lastinteraction; /* Time of the last interaction, used for timeout */
    time_t obuf_soft_limit_reached_time;
    int flags;              /* Client flags: CLIENT_* macros. */
    int authenticated;      /* When requirepass is non-NULL. */
    int replstate;          /* Replication state if this is a slave. */
    int repl_put_online_on_ack; /* Install slave write handler on ACK. */
    int repldbfd;           /* Replication DB file descriptor. */
    off_t repldboff;        /* Replication DB file offset. */
    off_t repldbsize;       /* Replication DB file size. */
    sds replpreamble;       /* Replication DB preamble. */
    long long reploff;      /* Replication offset if this is our master. */
    long long repl_ack_off; /* Replication ack offset, if this is a slave. */
    long long repl_ack_time;/* Replication ack time, if this is a slave. */
    long long psync_initial_offset; /* FULLRESYNC reply offset other slaves
                                       copying this slave output buffer
                                       should use. */
    char replrunid[CONFIG_RUN_ID_SIZE+1]; /* Master run id if is a master. */
    int slave_listening_port; /* As configured with: REPLCONF listening-port */
    char slave_ip[NET_IP_STR_LEN]; /* Optionally given by REPLCONF ip-address */
    int slave_capa;         /* Slave capabilities: SLAVE_CAPA_* bitwise OR. */
    multiState mstate;      /* MULTI/EXEC state */
    int btype;              /* Type of blocking op if CLIENT_BLOCKED. */
    blockingState bpop;     /* blocking state */
    long long woff;         /* Last write global replication offset. */
    list *watched_keys;     /* Keys WATCHED for MULTI/EXEC CAS */
    dict *pubsub_channels;  /* channels a client is interested in (SUBSCRIBE) */
    list *pubsub_patterns;  /* patterns a client is interested in (SUBSCRIBE) */
    sds peerid;             /* Cached peer ID. */

    /* Response buffer */
    int bufpos;
} client;
  • querybuf 读缓存,服务读取客户端发送的数据然后写入 client.querybuf 缓存
  • fd Client socket
  • bufpos buf 回复缓存数据位置,记录 buf 的数据长度
  • argv 当前命令参数数组。参考 argc 解析。例如命令:set key1 v1,argc 命令参数个数是 3,argv 字符串数组分别为 ["set","key1","v1"]



  • 排队
  • 超时


now - c->lastinteraction > server.maxidletime


lastinteraction 每次readQueryFromClient更新为系统时间

  • 排除slaves masters BLPOP Pub/Sub clients

clientsCron -> clientsCronHandleTimeout -> freeClient -> unlinkClient -> aeDeleteFileEvent

void clientsCron(void) {
    /* Make sure to process at least numclients/server.hz of clients
     * per call. Since this function is called server.hz times per second
     * we are sure that in the worst case we process all the clients in 1
     * second. */
    int numclients = listLength(server.clients);
    int iterations = numclients/server.hz;
    mstime_t now = mstime();

    /* Process at least a few clients while we are at it, even if we need
     * to process less than CLIENTS_CRON_MIN_ITERATIONS to meet our contract
     * of processing each client once per second. */
    if (iterations < CLIENTS_CRON_MIN_ITERATIONS)
        iterations = (numclients < CLIENTS_CRON_MIN_ITERATIONS) ?
                     numclients : CLIENTS_CRON_MIN_ITERATIONS;

    while(listLength(server.clients) && iterations--) {
        client *c;
        listNode *head;

        /* Rotate the list, take the current head, process.
         * This way if the client must be removed from the list it's the
         * first element and we don't incur into O(N) computation. */
        head = listFirst(server.clients);
        c = listNodeValue(head);
        /* The following functions do different service checks on the client.
         * The protocol is that they return non-zero if the client was
         * terminated. */
        if (clientsCronHandleTimeout(c,now)) continue;
        if (clientsCronResizeQueryBuffer(c)) continue;




/* Check for timeouts. Returns non-zero if the client was terminated.
 * The function gets the current time in milliseconds as argument since
 * it gets called multiple times in a loop, so calling gettimeofday() for
 * each iteration would be costly without any actual gain. */
int clientsCronHandleTimeout(client *c, mstime_t now_ms) {
    time_t now = now_ms/1000;

    if (server.maxidletime &&
        !(c->flags & CLIENT_SLAVE) &&    /* no timeout for slaves */
        !(c->flags & CLIENT_MASTER) &&   /* no timeout for masters */
        !(c->flags & CLIENT_BLOCKED) &&  /* no timeout for BLPOP */
        !(c->flags & CLIENT_PUBSUB) &&   /* no timeout for Pub/Sub clients */
        (now - c->lastinteraction > server.maxidletime))
        serverLog(LL_VERBOSE,"Closing idle client");
        return 1;
    } else if (c->flags & CLIENT_BLOCKED) {
        /* Blocked OPS timeout is handled with milliseconds resolution.
         * However note that the actual resolution is limited by
         * server.hz. */

        if (c->bpop.timeout != 0 && c->bpop.timeout < now_ms) {
            /* Handle blocking operation specific timeout. */
        } else if (server.cluster_enabled) {
            /* Cluster: handle unblock & redirect of clients blocked
             * into keys no longer served by this server. */
            if (clusterRedirectBlockedClientIfNeeded(c))
    return 0;

void freeClient(client *c) {
    /* Unlink the client: this will close the socket, remove the I/O
     * handlers, and remove references of the client from different
     * places where active clients may be referenced. */

/* Remove the specified client from global lists where the client could
 * be referenced, not including the Pub/Sub channels.
 * This is used by freeClient() and replicationCacheMaster(). */
void unlinkClient(client *c) {
    /* Certain operations must be done only if the client has an active socket.
     * If the client was already unlinked or if it's a "fake client" the
     * fd is already set to -1. */
    if (c->fd != -1) {
        /* Remove from the list of active clients. */
        ln = listSearchKey(server.clients,c);
        serverAssert(ln != NULL);

        /* Unregister async I/O handlers and close the socket. */
        c->fd = -1;

  • unlinkClient 函数中释放client

    • 可以看到在listSearchKey中,redis遍历双端列表server.clients查找到对应的redisClient对象然后调用listDelNode把该redisClient对象从server.clients删除

    • listSearchKey遍历列表为O(n)时间复杂度,当大量短连接操作redis时,频繁的释放客户端会引起redis的CPU升高

    • 在redis5.0中为了解决此问题,对此操作进行了优化。在createClient的时候将redisClient的指针地址保留,在freeClient的时候直接删除对应的listNode即可,无需再次遍历server.clients


redis.conf 默认设置: maxclients 10000

  • 设置限制过程

adjustOpenFilesLimit 是限制设置的具体实现。通过 setrlimit 函数(系统调用)设置进程的文件数限制,尽可能设置一个最优的限制数量

注:CONFIG_MIN_RESERVED_FDS 程序正常运行预计需要打开文件的数量(listen,日志等)

/* This function will try to raise the max number of open files accordingly to
 * the configured max number of clients. It also reserves a number of file
 * descriptors (CONFIG_MIN_RESERVED_FDS) for extra operations of
 * persistence, listening sockets, log files and so forth.
 * If it will not be possible to set the limit accordingly to the configured
 * max number of clients, the function will do the reverse setting
 * server.maxclients to the value that we can actually handle. */
void adjustOpenFilesLimit(void) {
    rlim_t maxfiles = server.maxclients+CONFIG_MIN_RESERVED_FDS;
    struct rlimit limit;

    if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,&limit) == -1) {
        serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Unable to obtain the current NOFILE limit (%s), assuming 1024 and setting the max clients configuration accordingly.",
        server.maxclients = 1024-CONFIG_MIN_RESERVED_FDS;
    } else {
        rlim_t oldlimit = limit.rlim_cur;

        /* Set the max number of files if the current limit is not enough
         * for our needs. */
        if (oldlimit < maxfiles) {
            rlim_t bestlimit;
            int setrlimit_error = 0;

            /* Try to set the file limit to match 'maxfiles' or at least
             * to the higher value supported less than maxfiles. */
            bestlimit = maxfiles;
            while(bestlimit > oldlimit) {
                rlim_t decr_step = 16;

                limit.rlim_cur = bestlimit;
                limit.rlim_max = bestlimit;
                if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,&limit) != -1) break;
                setrlimit_error = errno;

                /* We failed to set file limit to 'bestlimit'. Try with a
                 * smaller limit decrementing by a few FDs per iteration. */
                if (bestlimit < decr_step) break;
                bestlimit -= decr_step;

            /* Assume that the limit we get initially is still valid if
             * our last try was even lower. */
            if (bestlimit < oldlimit) bestlimit = oldlimit;

            if (bestlimit < maxfiles) {
                int old_maxclients = server.maxclients;
                server.maxclients = bestlimit-CONFIG_MIN_RESERVED_FDS;
                if (server.maxclients < 1) {
            } else {
                serverLog(LL_NOTICE,"Increased maximum number of open files "
                    "to %llu (it was originally set to %llu).",
                    (unsigned long long) maxfiles,
                    (unsigned long long) oldlimit);
  • 关闭超量连接

当满足listLength(server.clients) > server.maxclients时,关闭client

static void acceptCommonHandler(int fd, int flags, char *ip) {
    client *c;
    if ((c = createClient(fd)) == NULL) {
            "Error registering fd event for the new client: %s (fd=%d)",
        close(fd); /* May be already closed, just ignore errors */
    /* If maxclient directive is set and this is one client more... close the
     * connection. Note that we create the client instead to check before
     * for this condition, since now the socket is already set in non-blocking
     * mode and we can send an error for free using the Kernel I/O */
    if (listLength(server.clients) > server.maxclients) {
        char *err = "-ERR max number of clients reached\r\n";

        /* That's a best effort error message, don't check write errors */
        if (write(c->fd,err,strlen(err)) == -1) {
            /* Nothing to do, Just to avoid the warning... */
  • 还有其他的限制吗?


当进程打开文件数量超出限制,系统将会给进程发送信号(例如:SIGSTOP 信号),强制其退出


连接query buffer处理


  • createClient query_buf默认为0
  • readQueryFromClient->sdsMakeRoomFor 1024*32


  • clientsCron->clientsCronResizeQueryBuffer
/* The client query buffer is an sds.c string that can end with a lot of
 * free space not used, this function reclaims space if needed.
 * The function always returns 0 as it never terminates the client. */
int clientsCronResizeQueryBuffer(client *c) {
    size_t querybuf_size = sdsAllocSize(c->querybuf);
    time_t idletime = server.unixtime - c->lastinteraction;

    /* There are two conditions to resize the query buffer:
     * 1) Query buffer is > BIG_ARG and too big for latest peak.
     * 2) Client is inactive and the buffer is bigger than 1k. */
    if (((querybuf_size > PROTO_MBULK_BIG_ARG) &&
         (querybuf_size/(c->querybuf_peak+1)) > 2) ||
         (querybuf_size > 1024 && idletime > 2))
        /* Only resize the query buffer if it is actually wasting space. */
        if (sdsavail(c->querybuf) > 1024) {
            c->querybuf = sdsRemoveFreeSpace(c->querybuf);
    /* Reset the peak again to capture the peak memory usage in the next
     * cycle. */
    c->querybuf_peak = 0;
    return 0;

满足以下两个条件之一时,进行resize buffer:

  • 查询缓冲区大于32K,且远大于查询缓冲区数据峰值
  • 查询缓冲区大于1K,且客户端当前处于非活跃状态